Does teeth whitening work on all teeth?

Teeth whiteners may not correct all types of discoloration. Teeth with yellow tones will whiten more easily than brown teeth. Teeth with Gray tones may not bleach at all. Teeth whitening will not work on caps, veneers, crowns or fillings. It also wont be effective if your tooth discoloration is caused by medication or a tooth injury.

What causes teeth Discoloration ?

  • Food and Drinks ( coffee, tea and red wine are some major staining culprits.

  • Tobacco use

  • Age

  • Trauma

  • Medication

After care

The first 48 hours after the treatment is critical and you will need to avoid certain foods and beverages to maintain the teeth whitening. These include but are not limited to the following:

  • Tea and coffee. These brews can stain your teeth instantly.

  • Dark-coloured sauces. Avoid red pasta sauce , soy sauce, barbecue sauce

  • Fruit juice.

  • Dark Chocolate . These contains caffeine and this could stain your teeth.

  • Acidic food. Lemons, oranges and other citrus fruits should be avoided. These are acidic or sour foods can weaken your enamel.

  • Avoid or limit tobacco use

  • Brush immediately after eating

  • Schedule a touch-up in 4-6 months

As a general rule of thumb , don’t take any food or drink that will stain a white shirt.

If you must insist on drinking coffee or soda or other dark-coloured drinks, use a straw instead of sipping directly from the mug. By using a straw, the liquid will not come in contact with your teeth.

What is acceptable to eat after teeth whitening

  • White - coloured vegetables

  • white meat

  • colourless beverages

  • Non-acidic fruits